Friday, January 1, 2010

Radisson Rowdies for 2010

Radisson Rowdies Conquer 2010

"2010 Va Mavana Va" Thats how the rowdies of radisson called it out on the 31st december 2009.........The holiday spirits were sure to take a route which has never gone before ...The following are the set of collection of Pictures which speaks volumes about the way we welcomed 2010..

Koyambedu Kumar and Chetpet Chellapa did'nt show up...

as their rivals "Jack Sparrow"Murali and Vakil Dhadha Selva were present at our kuppam.

The Ice lounge was an unique attraction fair to boast that it was the first of its kind in the city.

The ambience and the decorations reminded ones of the small "Potti Kadais" and trade mark Koli sodas and Panparag which were the heart and soul of our rowdies were also present at our midst.....